Present the visitors of your site with Google Maps where they can easily drag & drop the marker on the desired location.
Set the map type, width, and height, default coordinates, URL of a custom maker, and more.
Sync with the address and & coordinates fields to dynamically populate them with the returned geolocation data.
Dynamically set the position on the map when manually entering an address or coordinates or when the visitor’s current position is found via the auto-locator.
Display the locator buttons anywhere in the form to allow the visitor to easily get his current position.
Once clicked, the plugin will dynamically try to retrieve the visitor’s current position. If found, the location will be geocoded and return a complete geolocation data.
Sync with the Google Map field to dynamically position the marker on the map based on the current location.
Sync with the address and coordinates fields to dynamically populate them with the returned geolocation data.
Calculate and display the directions between 2 or more locations in your Ninja Forms directly. No need for an external link to Google Map.
You can display the route between the locations on the Google Map field and display a list of directions steps.
Calculate the distance & duration between 2 locations or more and populate the values in your forms. This can be very useful for calculating the cost based on the driving distance.
Dynamically populate text fields, hidden fields, checkboxes, select dropdowns, and more, with any of the geolocation fields value when geocoding takes place.